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Jak to goryl rzucił się na kobietę w zoo? Wyłamał kraty?

avatar Borsuk231
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@Trokopotaka Chyba, że "goryl" to ksywka jakiegoś bossa murzyńskiego gangu...

avatar Kajothegreat
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@Trokopotaka: I jeszcze z wiki: On 18 May 2007, Bokito jumped over the water-filled ditch that separated his enclosure in Rotterdam from the public and violently attacked a woman, dragging her around for tens of metres and inflicting bone fractures as well as more than a hundred bite wounds. He subsequently entered a nearby restaurant, causing panic among the visitors. During this encounter, three more people were injured as a result of the panic. Bokito was eventually sedated with a tranquilizer gun and placed back in his cage.[2][3] The woman who was attacked had been a regular visitor to the great apes' enclosure, visiting an average of four times per week. She had a habit of touching the glass that separated the public from the gorillas, while making eye contact with Bokito and smiling at him. Although smiling is often associated with submissive or non-aggressive behavior in gorillas,[4] eye contact is a practice that is discouraged by primatologists, as apes are likely to interpret eye contact as a challenge or a form of aggressive display.[citation needed] Zoo employees had previously warned her against doing this, but she continued, claiming a special bond with him: in an interview with De Telegraaf she said, "When I smile at him, he smiles back".

avatar Yakubus
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Wyglądają jak kierowcy warszawskiego ZTM

avatar flathamster
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Można zakładać gdy się mija dresiarzy

avatar banan113
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taa przebil sie przez pancerna szybe albo kraty xd
